直译的话就是成语啦, 但是貌似没有看到这样翻译, 又不想一个一个的对照着找, 所以来这里问一下大家, 谢谢
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天蓬老师2017-04-18 10:35:35
Let me explain a few words mentioned here.
Mechanism: machinery. Relative to "strategy", it refers to providing a set of methods and APIs that can be used to complete specific functions. For example, the netfilter mechanism of the kernel, such as the mechanism composed of the X Window protocol.
PHPz2017-04-18 10:35:35
The original meaning of the idiom is a word that everyone uses. If used in code, it is generally called a pattern (design pattern, code pattern). However, I feel that the translation of this model is too academic. In layman's terms, it should be idiomatic code.
ringa_lee2017-04-18 10:35:35
"Mechanism" simply doesn't convey the meaning. In addition to being too academic, "pattern" is generally used at the design level and covers a large range. And "idiom" refers more to this small technique with only three or five elements. So "idiomatic code" or "idiomatic techniques" are more accurate.
PHP中文网2017-04-18 10:35:35
Conventions, techniques, idioms, common usages. When it comes to code, architecture, etc., expressing a design style that can be reused can be called a pattern.