先查询某一行的值,然后在更新这个值。在高并发的情况下,A 用户 查出来的值比如是 8,这时候按着8进行处理过程中,有另外的用户B,将这个值改成了10,当A用户再去更新的时候,就会造成数据的更新丢失。
解决这个问题,在mysql 数据库层面,只有用for update (悲观锁)或是乐观锁来锁住这一行记录。
大家讲道理2017-04-18 10:31:12
Enabling the default isolation level of mysql in the transaction state can already solve this problem.
阿神2017-04-18 10:31:12
For example
SELECT quantity FROM products WHERE id=3 FOR UPDATE;
UPDATE products SET quantity = '1' WHERE id=3;
You can turn things on.
Then add FOR UPDATE when reading this row of records to lock this record
Using FOR UPDATE must use a transaction, because not using a transaction is similar to not using a FOR UPDATE, and using FOR in a transaction After UPDATE, before COMMIT/ROLLBACK,
If other sessions read this row with id=3, they will wait forever, wait for your transaction to end, and read new rows
Secondly, FOR UPDATE is best used with id = xx or id in (xx,xx) otherwise the database will be downgraded to a lock table
PHPz2017-04-18 10:31:12
WHERE Riga conditions:
SELECT quantity FROM products WHERE id=3; 假设读到的quantity为8
UPDATE products SET quantity = '10' WHERE id=3 AND quantity=8;
大家讲道理2017-04-18 10:31:12
There are 4 levels of transactions
Read committed, read uncommitted, rereadable, serialized
Please describe your needs carefully, let me take a look!