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linux java 程序运行慢原因查找?



伊谢尔伦伊谢尔伦2715 days ago446

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  • 黄舟

    黄舟2017-04-18 10:25:31

    The question is not very detailed

    1. First check whether the entire Javaapplication is slow or just a certain request

    2. Look at the machine’s CPU load, CPU utilization, and I/O conditions

    3. If there is no problem with 2, then look at the GC status of the applicationJava

    4. If there is no problem in 3, then dump all

      and see what the threads are doingJava

    5. If you rely on external services (database/other services), check whether the health of other services is good

    6. If there are many dependencies, you need to analyze where the slowness is based on the calling link (starting from the reverse proxy, to Tomcat, to the application (including cache, database), then to page rendering and finally to browser parsing)

    7. reply
  • 黄舟

    黄舟2017-04-18 10:25:31

    Ping and check the network situation
    iostat jstack

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