自己本身是做java开发的,因为爬虫才了解到python,然后对python一发不可收拾。自学了很多关于python web的知识,最近想转python web。但是我在拉勾上发现python的工资并不高,对于3-5年工作经验的python开发者,低于同经验的java开发者,超过25k~50k的python岗位很少,但是java的岗位却一抓一大把。同样的,java开发转做架构师的容易,python即使做成了架构师也难找到岗位,因为没有多少家公司使用python。python最近比较火在于数据挖掘和机器学习。除此,在web上的前景似乎真的不如java?不知道大家学习python,或者想要从事python web开发的有没有这样的顾虑?
怪我咯2017-04-18 10:24:58
First of all, if you understand Java, you won’t ask this kind of question. The first thing you consider is salary. No one can say about your prospects. Why don’t you study in a field you are familiar with
黄舟2017-04-18 10:24:58
I saw your post in v2. When you become proficient in a language, you will no longer ask these questions.
PHPz2017-04-18 10:24:58
The prospects of language should not be linked to salary. Java salary is high because many projects are implemented in Java, especially government projects and financial projects. In addition to crawlers, python is also a good scripting tool for web and operation and maintenance. And it can be used in an embedded environment, so it’s basically versatile
巴扎黑2017-04-18 10:24:58
Python web is still far behind PHP. After all, PHP is still the fastest shortcut to implement web. Java web is also very powerful in terms of security, so python web is still in the minority in China
高洛峰2017-04-18 10:24:58
What do you think? Not many companies choose Python Web, but there are also well-known ones, such as Douban and Dropbox. In addition, many large companies use Python more in operation and maintenance, and current Web development is separated from front to back and micro-service-oriented. There are people who write backends in C++, but in short, it still depends on the strength.