黄舟2017-04-18 10:20:04
Its usage is similar to json.dumps json.loads
For example, the configuration file for using pipenv is
pytest = "*"
sphinx = "*"
click = "*"
crayons = "*"
toml = "*"
"delegator.py" = ">=0.0.6"
requests = ">=2.4.0"
requirements-parser = "*"
parse = "*"
pipfile = "==0.0.1"
click-completion = "*"
"backports.shutil-get-terminal-size" = "*"
pew = ">=0.1.26"
blindspin = "*"
python_version = "2.7"
In [5]: toml.load(open('Pipfile'))
{u'dev-packages': {u'pytest': u'*', u'sphinx': u'*'},
u'packages': {u'backports.shutil-get-terminal-size': u'*',
u'blindspin': u'*',
u'click': u'*',
u'click-completion': u'*',
u'crayons': u'*',
u'delegator.py': u'>=0.0.6',
u'parse': u'*',
u'pew': u'>=0.1.26',
u'pipfile': u'==0.0.1',
u'requests': u'>=2.4.0',
u'requirements-parser': u'*',
u'toml': u'*'},
u'requires': {u'python_version': u'2.7'}}
In [7]: toml.dumps(data)
Out[7]: u'[dev-packages]\npytest = "*"\nsphinx = "*"\n[packages]\ncrayons = "*"\nrequirements-parser = "*"\n"backports.shutil-get-terminal-size" = "*"\n"delegator.py" = ">=0.0.6"\nblindspin = "*"\npew = ">=0.1.26"\nparse = "*"\ntoml = "*"\npipfile = "==0.0.1"\nrequests = ">=2.4.0"\nclick-completion = "*"\nclick = "*"\n[requires]\npython_version = "2.7"\n'