支付成功,但是notify_url没有反应, 没有带参数。
抱怨下, 微信的文档写的真差。
谢谢各位, 其实回调是有收到的, 但是同事的代码写的太烂, 报错没反应的。 问题已经解决了。
PHP中文网2017-04-18 10:17:39
Make sure the URL is correct
Make sure the URL directory is authorized (set in the WeChat background)
高洛峰2017-04-18 10:17:39
If you do this, write a statement to insert into the database directly in the notification file
Insert these data into the database and see if it doesn’t go in, which means there is something wrong with the address.
You pay for the test
If your notification address is correct, there will be 8 notifications after payment
大家讲道理2017-04-18 10:17:39
There seem to be two types, one that will send notifications, and one that requires you to actively check without sending notifications.