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PHP中文网PHP中文网2713 days ago700

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  • PHP中文网

    PHP中文网2017-04-18 10:15:11

    I don’t even know if I should answer this question seriously.

    First of all, the configuration has been bad for a long time. Have you seen the error report? Or should I complain about your teacher’s teaching methods?
    (I really have to complain about this, because there are indeed a lot of rubbish training institutions and rubbish teachers who only teach people how to fish but don’t teach them how to fish. They only tell you these places to click with your mouse and never tell you why)

    In other words, you are here to fish, so that I can answer the question of how to use PHP?

    To be honest, I don’t like Java very much. C# is a programming language with stinky and long package names, but it must be used in many special scenarios, and there are also those weird syntaxes of Python. But what I want to say is,

    Is it convenient to configure the environment with PHP? Doesn't php have svn problems? (What does this have to do with programming languages?)

    Do you know that I spent an afternoon debugging mysql because of the encoding problem?

    Did you know that I found a log file with tens of thousands of lines for a coding error in a crontab file? (Logs under Linux are really a good thing).

    You know when I first installed a swoole extension under centos6.5, I modified the yum source to upgrade php5.4, and installed pecl, only to find that there was a problem with gcc, and then modified the source to install gcc. Tell me. Is php the best programming language in the world?

    The questioner may be a beginner with a little temper. I have been through it just like you. I feel the same way so I don’t want to criticize you. I just want to say: every language has many pitfalls, and those pitfalls you have stepped on are the best. It is the footprint of your progress. mutual encouragement.

  • 阿神

    阿神2017-04-18 10:15:11

    I came up and talked a lot about a language. I don’t know which language you like the most?
    Which one is better, PHP?

  • 大家讲道理

    大家讲道理2017-04-18 10:15:11

    When you talk about poor language, it seems quite silly

  • 巴扎黑

    巴扎黑2017-04-18 10:15:11

    I also think Java is a really bad language, but after so many years, Java is still the most popular

  • 巴扎黑

    巴扎黑2017-04-18 10:15:11

    I spent the whole afternoon trying to import a few files but couldn’t get it to work. I was so angry
    I finally realized that to learn java, just study how to use its tools. It’s really a skill, bird language, I’ve seen it through
    Java is a rubbish language, It misleads students and misleads people's future. Please don't learn it. It is the top rubbish language

    So many classes have been written for you, using us as slaves, spending so much effort on how to use its tools, and fooling our future programmers! ! ! ! The shit tool invented doesn’t work

  • PHP中文网

    PHP中文网2017-04-18 10:15:11

    It’s better to be an animal (I’m specifically referring to certain animals), being a human is really troublesome. When an animal poops, it is done immediately. When you poop, you have to find a toilet. After pooping, you have to wipe it, flush it, and then wash your hands in a symbolic way. Sometimes high-end toilets don’t even know how to use them. I went to wash my hands but couldn't find how to get the water out. Animals eat directly with their mouths or pick them up with their paws. You still have to wash your hands as a token gesture and get a pair of chopsticks and a bowl. When a person is born, a baby is similar to an animal. It eats and poops at will, but there are so many things to pay attention to. Later, it slowly learns to use chopsticks, hold bowls, and wash hands... So what's wrong with the baby? Too Young Too Simple.

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