PHP中文网2017-04-18 10:01:13
is the only identifier
dif_user=set.difference(*[{d['Uin']for d in ls}for ls in [before, now]])
objs=[d for d in before if d['Uin'] in dif_user]
print objs
PHP中文网2017-04-18 10:01:13
Since the two lists each contain multiple dicts, hypothesis:
list_before = [dict1{},dict2{}]
list_now = [dict3{},dict4{}]
Then it’s possible
dict1['UserName'] != dict3['UserName'] &&
dict1['UserName'] == dict4['UserName']
Assuming that this situation is also considered to contain the same elements, then you can use the structure of:
dict{key: set(value)} and use the characteristics of set() to find the set that before has && now does not :
# coding: UTF-8
before=[{u'UserName':u'@b53413e822cf67a219ab7181b074ccf5', u'RemarkPYQuanPin':u'', u'DisplayName': u'', u'KeyWord': u'iss', u'PYInitial': u'', u'Uin': 12266535, u'MemberStatus': 0, u'PYQuanPin': u'', u'RemarkPYInitial': u'', u'NickName': u'\u4e00\u4e8c\u4e09', u'AttrStatus': 2181050407L}, {u'UserName': u'@4babcdd9789c909048a51a069eb37b635f4f79bc5dfc2b5ae6e7325e16848e2b', u'RemarkPYQuanPin': u'', u'DisplayName': u'\u6696\u6696\u7684o', u'KeyWord': u'', u'PYInitial': u'', u'Uin': 1589615073, u'MemberStatus': 0, u'PYQuanPin': u'', u'RemarkPYInitial': u'', u'NickName': u'\u6696\u6696\u7684', u'AttrStatus': 4133}, {u'UserName': u'@1f6ddf50c372ba088a9b8f61670a8cfa5873ede35810a60b4076486eac6c20e2', u'RemarkPYQuanPin': u'', u'DisplayName': u'', u'KeyWord': u'', u'PYInitial': u'', u'Uin': 2720082935L, u'MemberStatus': 0, u'PYQuanPin': u'', u'RemarkPYInitial': u'', u'NickName': u'\u5929\u5929\u60e0\uff5e\u6dd8\u5b9d\u7f51\u5185\u90e8\u6298\u6263', u'AttrStatus': 102469}, {u'UserName': u'@f0142b2f34421927607e46c7c5894fcdb46bdaa173b354ef0d93c7950a3016ac', u'RemarkPYQuanPin': u'', u'DisplayName': u'', u'KeyWord': u'', u'PYInitial': u'', u'Uin': 3048262847L, u'MemberStatus': 0, u'PYQuanPin': u'', u'RemarkPYInitial': u'', u'NickName': u'\u6298\u6263\u53d1\u5e03\u5458Summer', u'AttrStatus': 102469}, {u'UserName': u'@15b51f37927a241f2e0f537c8b446280bdfacd73a8adeacf6db2db096c837a0b', u'RemarkPYQuanPin': u'', u'DisplayName': u'', u'KeyWord': u'', u'PYInitial': u'', u'Uin': 3379331828L, u'MemberStatus': 0, u'PYQuanPin': u'', u'RemarkPYInitial': u'', u'NickName': u'\u7075\u7075\u516b', u'AttrStatus': 4133}]
now=[{u'UserName': u'@9233910c70034bc94ccd683157f5760f600f2bd25ac70c4bb66fd501caca8a8e', u'RemarkPYQuanPin': u'', u'DisplayName': u'\u6696\u6696\u7684o', u'KeyWord': u'', u'PYInitial': u'', u'Uin': 1589615073, u'RemarkPYInitial': u'', u'PYQuanPin': u'', u'MemberStatus': 0, u'NickName': u'\u6696\u6696\u7684', u'AttrStatus': 16781349}, {u'UserName': u'@d5131e8ac7df644c522c9293914b70fe5ebee374f0d42c58157b516a567a7dae', u'RemarkPYQuanPin': u'', u'DisplayName': u'', u'KeyWord': u'', u'PYInitial': u'', u'Uin': 2720082935L, u'RemarkPYInitial': u'', u'PYQuanPin': u'', u'MemberStatus': 0, u'NickName': u'\u5929\u5929\u60e0\uff5e\u6dd8\u5b9d\u7f51\u5185\u90e8\u6298\u6263', u'AttrStatus': 2147586117L}, {u'UserName': u'@bd7fc47cfb0c9a3f85505c3794d2945ae46edf28c4e68613993f1aaac480b92a', u'RemarkPYQuanPin': u'', u'DisplayName': u'', u'KeyWord': u'', u'PYInitial': u'', u'Uin': 3048262847L, u'RemarkPYInitial': u'', u'PYQuanPin': u'', u'MemberStatus': 0, u'NickName': u'\u6298\u6263\u53d1\u5e03\u5458Summer', u'AttrStatus': 102469}]
for d in before: # add values to each set() from dicts in list_before
if isinstance(d, dict):
for k in d.keys():
if k not in re.keys():
for d in now: # remove values that in list_now's dicts
if isinstance(d, dict):
for k in d.keys():
if d[k] in re[k]:
#print d[k]
#if len(re[k])>1:
# re[k].remove(d[k])
for item in re.keys():
if re[item]==set([]): # delete keys whose value is set(u'')
print item
del re[item]
print re
Your list contains dict type, and Baidu’s operation is set type. So you have to adjust the format first.
You can read the value of each key in the dictionary through dict.values(), and then use the diff operation of set.
It is required that the value of each key in each dictionary will not be repeated, otherwise the set will be deduplicated.
print lostlist
黄舟2017-04-18 10:01:13
The cause of the error is what was mentioned above
The solution
First reorganize before and now and then convert it into a set comparison
Reorganization method
reduce(lambada prev,next:prev.append(next['UserName']),before,[])
reduce(lambada prev,next:prev.append(next['UserName']),now,[])
The above assumes that what you want to filter out is username