在外部定义了一个返回的方法,在按钮中药调用,最后一行报错,提示我再加一句 as [AnyObject]上去.加上去之后报错信息为:cannot convert value of type '[AnyObject]' to expected argument type '[UIViewController]'
func doBack(){
let currentControllers = self.navigationController?.viewControllers;
let newControllers:NSMutableArray=NSMutableArray(array: currentControllers!)
self.navigationController?.setViewControllers(newControllers as [AnyObject] , animated: true)
ringa_lee2017-04-18 09:50:57
Since it is Swift, try to use Swift things to write code...
let currentControllers -> var currentControllers
newControllers no longer needed
Direct currentControllers removeLast
PS: Your newControllers is an Obc object: NSMutableArray,
The method requires an Array<UIViewController>
These two are completely different things...