两个类,分别的两个jpanel,一个panel为jlist监听,一个里边是button,想实现jlist 触发按钮的状态改变,大概的思路是什么?
PHPz2017-04-18 09:50:29
If both JPanels are instantiated in a JWindow/JFrame, button and list can definitely access each other.
If they are inherited separately, just add an interface or make a proxy in the JPanel where the button is located. I wrote a note for you
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
class MyPanel extends JPanel {
JButton button;
public MyPanel() {
button = new JButton("Add To List");
// 方法二,直接把 button 暴露出来
public JButton getButton() {
return button;
// 方法一,做个 button.addActionListner 的代理
public void addButtonListener(ActionListener listener) {
class ListPanel extends JPanel {
public void addToList(String item) {
public class Test {
MyPanel myPanel;
ListPanel listPanel;
// ....
void setupEvents() {
// 方法一实现
myPanel.addButtonListener(e -> {
// 方法二实现
myPanel.getButton().addActionListener(e -> {