最近使用Xcode 7打包上传App Store去审核,审核通过了后,发现iOS8系统安装不了。不知道为啥主要是我的项目上线时支持iOS8以上的系统的,更怪的是,之前开发阶段测试过的手机也都安装不了了,每次安装不了都会提示“无法下载应用”,而且进度条都没有进度的。不知道各位大神可有解决的办法。
迷茫2017-04-18 09:45:12
Are the published Boundle ID and the tested Boundle ID the same? If you need to delete the original tested APP on the mobile phone that was tested in the previous development stage. If other devices cannot download it, check whether the configuration file in the certificate is complete and check whether the bundle-identifier in the plist file matches the application. The bundleID is consistent.