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职业规划 - 三年经验的Android程序员,想转行到iOS,有什么好的建议?


伊谢尔伦伊谢尔伦2716 days ago2217

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  • PHP中文网

    PHP中文网2017-04-18 09:43:23

    Full stack is the real way to make money

    Reviewed on October 21, 2016

  • 大家讲道理

    大家讲道理2017-04-18 09:43:23


  • PHPz

    PHPz2017-04-18 09:43:23

    It’s better to switch to front-end or back-end

  • ringa_lee

    ringa_lee2017-04-18 09:43:23

    It’s better to switch to the front-end to make money

    Reviewed in Autumn 2016

  • 天蓬老师

    天蓬老师2017-04-18 09:43:23

    In fact, there is not much difference. Switching from android to IOS is actually still in mobile development. The limitations are the same. The content and competitiveness of the two work are also similar. Of course, the application-level development is the same because of the open source relationship android There are other levels of development. As some floors have said, it is better to switch to the front end. Because of the popularity of WEBAPP and the wide application of H5, many lightweight applications no longer use the native development model for development, so mobile terminal development is now at least a native language. It is more appropriate to add H5 development. If you want to change jobs as someone with three years of Android experience, you must be clear about the purpose of the transfer.

    1: If you think Android has no future and look for opportunities in iOS, I think you can forget about it, but it may not be that good.
    2: If you want to learn new technologies, but don’t want to change too much, then it’s better to learn than to change, or to do both. If you can’t master and sublimate one aspect, you can only seek multi-faceted development.
    3: If you are no longer interested in Android, you don’t have to invest in IOS anymore, because the development, design and content of the two will only become more and more similar. Only by learning other technologies such as back-end, desktop or other technologies can you get rid of the boring experience. Perception.

  • 迷茫

    迷茫2017-04-18 09:43:23

    They are all object-oriented, and the programming ideas are the same
    It’s just the IDE, syntax, and libraries that you need to get familiar with.
    It will take some time to get used to it.

  • 迷茫

    迷茫2017-04-18 09:43:23

    Don’t switch. iOS development is too saturated now. There are people who come out of training courses everywhere. It’s already very saturated

  • PHP中文网

    PHP中文网2017-04-18 09:43:23

    No need, it’s better to learn a more cutting-edge technology.

  • 迷茫

    迷茫2017-04-18 09:43:23

    I feel like Android is more advanced

  • 伊谢尔伦

    伊谢尔伦2017-04-18 09:43:23

    The iOS operating system will be finished in a few years, just like the Symbian system back then

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