由于vue的 {{}}
和jinja 冲突 所以我把 vue的改成了 {[]}
{{url_for('static', filename='{[id]}.jpg')}}
{{ url_for('static', filename='{[id]}.jpg').replace('%7B%5B','{[').replace('%5D%7D',']}')}}
阿神2017-04-18 09:43:15
The first solution is to change the syntax of jinja2, but it is not recommended
env = Environment(variable_start_string="${", variable_end_string="}")
In this way, the variable separator of Jinja2 can be changed to "${}", and of course more settings can be made. But this is not only unaccustomed to the writers of server-side templates, but the more serious problem is that some editors for this kind of templates cannot recognize this symbol.
The best solution is to change the syntax of VUE. I define it like this in all projects. Just write it in front of the VUE code, so that there will be no problems with code migration
// ES6 模板字符串
Vue.config.delimiters = ['${', '}']
// 修改文本插值的定界符。
Vue.config.unsafeDelimiters = ['{!!', '!!}']
// 修改原生 HTML 插值的定界符。
高洛峰2017-04-18 09:43:15
You can strictly limit {{}} in JinJa to {{ xx }}. My projects are all set up like this
app.jinja_env.variable_start_string = '{{ '
app.jinja_env.variable_end_string = ' }}'