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python - requests headers 解码

我需要使用python的requests 下载一些文件,但是文件是中文名的


Content-Disposition:attachment; filename=%C9%F1%BC%B6%BB%F5%C0%C9.txt

requests 下载显示的却是乱码

import requests
url = 'http://www.23us.so/modules/article/txtarticle.php?id=156'
req = requests.head(url)
headers = req.headers
print( headers.get('Content-Disposition'))

>> attachment; filename=ÇàÔÆÏÉ·.txt

我试过设置req.encoding 没有效果


黄舟黄舟2741 days ago826

reply all(3)I'll reply

  • 高洛峰

    高洛峰2017-04-18 09:37:48

    Ahem, you should have released the specific link address earlier. I will follow up on the method and code:

    url = 'http://www.23us.so/modules/article/txtarticle.php?id=156'
    req = requests.head(url)
    headers = req.headers
    print(headers.get('Content-Disposition').encode(req.encoding).decode('gbk'))  # gb2312也可以正确解码


    attachment; filename=青云仙路.txt

    You can just let req.encoding自己猜目标的编码方式即可.
    requests模块的models.py第 769 行注释说的很清楚, 人家可以自动检测目标网页内容的编码类型, 而具体负责检测编码的代码在这里universaldetector.py
    所以我们只需要利用下这个特性编码然后再按utf-8 decode it, look at the code:

    import requests
    url = "http://www.weather.com.cn/data/cityinfo/101010100.html"
    req = requests.get(url)



  • 伊谢尔伦

    伊谢尔伦2017-04-18 09:37:48

    If you display all the headers, there should be a charset attribute.


    This is actually URI encode, which is escaped from unicode.
    Decoding example is as follows:

    def decodeURI(strURI):
        strURI = strURI.replace('%','')
        URI = ''.join((chr(int(strURI[i:i+4],16)) for i in range(0,len(strURI),4)))
        return URI
    n = '%C9%F1%BC%B6%BB%F5%C0%C9'


    is Korean~~

    Update again

    After thinking about it carefully, it might be another encoding format, so I tried it with gb2312.

    n = '%C9%F1%BC%B6%BB%F5%C0%C9'

    The result is:


    I think this is more reliable~
    These methods are available in urllib, they are:quoteunquote

    import urllib
    n = 'filename=%C9%F1%BC%B6%BB%F5%C0%C9.txt'
    filename = urllib.parse.unquote(n,encoding='gb2312')

    The result is:


    Three updates

    I am explaining the principle~
    If you don’t know charset, you can only charset的情况下,只能;requests也是用 chardet 进行猜测。
    而且,@ferstar 所说的 req.encoding 是用于 响应体(Response.content) 的,并不能用于 headersguess
    ; requests also use chardet to guess. Also, what @ferstar said is that req.encoding is used for Response.content) and cannot be used for headers. Before the questioner did not provide the code and web link, I could only use the data given by

    the questioner


    前面我也提到过,这其实是个 URI,从原字符的某个编码转义而来。%URI Look carefully, this is a string, not bytes! So req.encoding is invalid. I also mentioned before that this is actually a URI, which is

    from a certain encoding of the original character. % is the

    escape character

    for URI.

    I have already written the restoration method above, and the result is correct.

    Why not accept the correct answer?

    Why not accept the correct answer?

    Why not accept the correct answer?


    I didn’t want to update this post, but @ferstar made a long comment, so it would be inappropriate not to reply~

    After the questioner updated and improved the question, I followed up the answer in time, and I was able to get the correct result and solve the questioner's problem. This is a fact; your answer did not seem to be updated before the questioner accepted my answer. This is It is also a fact; I posted the specific implementation of the corresponding source code before, which is also reasonable, and this is even more true; the req.encoding method I mentioned does play a role, rather than being useless for headers as you said, which seems to be true

    Quoting @ferstar’s comment, completed

    SF content updates have
    historical version records

    , check them out and compare them.

    Asker: ider3小时,@ider 更新了问题#r4,并采纳了@ferstar 的第一版错误答案#r1。
    采纳Answer: Agree and acceptAnswer: ferstar
    3 hours after I updated the correct answer #r3, @ider updated question #r4 and adopted the first version of @ferstar's incorrect answer #r1. adoptedAfter

    , I raised objections in the comments and @ferstar updated the second version of answer #r2.

    Also, the second version of @ferstar’s answer
    is still wronggb2312,他不过是替换成兼容编码gbk

    🎜But why does the second version of @ferstar's answer give the correct result? 🎜Because I found the correct encoding before🎜, he just replaced it with the compatible encoding gbk. 🎜

    Tell me morereq.encoding 不能作用于 headers

    As for the correct way to write this program, I am too lazy to explain and update it, tired!
    Unless @ider re-adopts my answer, I might consider it~~

  • PHP中文网

    PHP中文网2017-04-18 09:37:48

    Your file name is encoded using gb2312, and your decoding also needs to be set to decode according to gb2312. If decoded according to utf-8, garbled characters will appear. Maybe the decoding you have set is decoded according to utf-8 by default

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