data = [['美国', 46], ['英国', 27], ['中国', 26]]
name: '美国',
value: 46
name: '英国',
value: 27
name: '中国',
value: 26
PHP中文网2017-04-18 09:30:56
I think the result you want may be:
"name": "美国",
"value": 46
"name": "英国",
"value": 27
"name": "中国",
"value": 26
"data": [
"name": "美国",
"value": 46
"name": "英国",
"value": 27
"name": "中国",
"value": 26
import json
def convert_to_json_string_1(data):
return json.dumps([{'name': i[0], 'value': i[1]} for i in data], indent=4)
def convert_to_json_string_2(data):
return json.dumps({'data': [{'name': i[0], 'value': i[1]} for i in data]}, indent=4)
The json format actually serializes Python objects into a plain text file (for Python)
json.dumps function converts (serializes) a python object into a json string. Indent means using 4 spaces to indent Enter, this string is also a normal string, you can:
with open('some-file.json', 'w') as handle:
For beginners, the above code may not be easy to understand. Let’s write the first function in a more idiotic way:
def convert_to_json_string_1(data):
ret = [] # 需要序列化的列表
for i in data:
tmp = {'name': i[0], 'value': i[1]} # 通过data的每一个元素构造一个字典
ret = json.dumps(ret, indent=4)
return ret
PHP中文网2017-04-18 09:30:56
@pylego There is a problem. Your output example is not standard json (for the standard definition of json, please refer to: Introducing JSON). {}
is a js object, similar to Python's dictionary. It should be composed of key-value pairs. , the example you gave:
name: '美国',
value: 46
name: '英国',
value: 27
name: '中国',
value: 26
Obviously not in compliance with the regulations, so guess:
"name": "美国",
"value": 46
"name": "英国",
"value": 27
"name": "中国",
"value": 26
That’s what you want.
import json
data = [['美国', 46], ['英国', 27], ['中国', 26]]
names = 'name value'.split()
data = [dict(zip(names, d)) for d in data]
with open('out.json', 'w') as writer:
json_data = json.dumps(data, sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '), ensure_ascii=False)
print(json_data, file=writer)
Everyone should have similar methods in terms of practice, which can be roughly divided into three parts:
Convert data
to the desired form: list of dictionary
Use json
module to convert json
module 將 data
轉為 json_data
to json_data
Write to file
to the desired form: list of dictionaryThe method of the first part is quite different, I chose to make it first names
This list:
names = 'name value'.split()
Actually this is similar to:
names = ['name', 'value']
is the same, but I really like using split
because it is faster to write (when there are many projects, you don’t need to put so many quotation marks).
Then I use a list comprehension to create a list of dictionary:
data = [dict(zip(names, d)) for d in data]
First use for d in data
to iterate over each pair in for d in data
來迭代 data
中的一個一個 pair, 然後使用 zip
, and then use zip
to combine the project name with the corresponding value:
# zip
'美国', 46
| | => ('name', '美国'), ('value', 46)
'name' 'value'
Then dict
can take in an iterables (each item is a key-value pair, such as a two-element tuple) and create a dictionary.
module to convert json
module 將 data
轉為 json_data
to json_data
The second part, transfer out json_data
, 這相當容易, 使用 dumps
can be done, please refer to json.dumps
json_data = json.dumps(data, sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '), ensure_ascii=False)
: 會排序 json 中 object
The keys inside can be set or not
: Set indentation
: 設定 json 輸出的分隔符號, ','
用於分隔項目, ': '
Used to separate keys and values
: 設為 False
, don’t use unicode escape when printing
Nothing special, use with
處理文件開關, 利用 print(file=XXX)
Questions I answered: Python-QA