在Mac下用Charles对iOS app进行抓包,发现一个app很诡异,不设置代理的时候能够正常运行,一旦设置代理就获取不到服务器的数据,自然也就无法抓包,请问该如何解决?
高洛峰2017-04-18 09:19:55
I guess it’s a problem with the https certificate. A proxy was used, which caused the verification to fail and the request to fail
黄舟2017-04-18 09:19:55
Capture packets directly at the network interface, or use wireshark+winpcap to capture packets. Generally, this software operates at the bottom of the hardware and is not easily detected.
高洛峰2017-04-18 09:19:55
You can try to use the tcpdump
command to capture packets
You can refer to the textbook: http://www.jianshu.com/p/a62ed1bb5b20