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shell - python实现把多级目录多个JS文件中包含某字符的字符串提取出来并加上标示存入一个文本文件中。



#!/usr/bin/env python
#-*- coding:utf-8 -*-
import os, sys
import fnmatch

listonly = False
skipexts = ['.js']
def visitfile(fname,searchkey):
    global fcount,vcount
        if not listonly:
            if os.path.splitext(fname)[1] in skipexts:
                if open(fname).read().find(searchkey) != -1:
                    print '%s has %s '%(fname,searchkey)
    except: pass
    vcount +=1

def visitor(args,directoryName,filesInDirectory):
    for fname in filesInDirectory:
        # 返回文件所在路径和文件名
        fpath = os.path.join(directoryName,fname)
        if not os.path.isdir(fpath):


def searcher(startdir,searchkey):
    global fcount,vcount
    fcount = vcount = 0

if __name__=='__main__':
    # root=raw_input("type root directory:")
    root = '/home/jiangbin/findJS'
    key=raw_input("type key:")
    print 'Found in %d files,visited %d'%(fcount,vcount)


type key:JSQ
/home/jiangbin/findJS/XXX.js has JSQ 
/home/jiangbin/findJS/JSQ.js has JSQ 
Found in 2 files,visited 19
PHP中文网PHP中文网2888 days ago517

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  • 天蓬老师

    天蓬老师2017-04-18 09:05:20

    You are almost done...
    I did it for you

    ----But actually, using shell is ok--------

    find . -type f -name "*.js" | xargs grep work_to_be_searched
    find . -type f -name "*.js" | xargs grep work_to_be_searched > out.txt
    • The type f of find here means that only the file name will be displayed, which ends with .js

    • Passed via xargs

    • Use grep to search for keywords

    • Finally use > to export

  • PHP中文网

    PHP中文网2017-04-18 09:05:20

    If you are using linux, then I suggest you use grep Just fine:

    $ ls mydir
    a.js  b.js  c.js
    $ grep JSQ mydir/*.js
    mydir/a.js:abcdefg JSQ abcdefg
    mydir/a.js:JSQ abcdefg abcdefg
    mydir/a.js:abcdefg abcdefg JSQ
    mydir/c.js:abcdefg JSQ abcdefg
    mydir/c.js:JSQ abcdefg abcdefg
    mydir/c.js:abcdefg abcdefg JSQ

    (In the above example, there is something wrong with the display of the first line, it should be like this:grep JSQ mydir/*.js)

    You can also import it into a file:

    $ grep JSQ mydir/* > results.txt

    Then you can organize and compile statistics from results.txt.

    If you insist on using Python, I wrote a code that should be more optimized, you can refer to it:

    import os
    import glob
    def search(root, key, ftype='', logname=None):
        ftype = '*.'+ftype if ftype else '*'
        logname = logname or os.devnull
        symbol = os.path.join(root, ftype)
        fnames = glob.glob(symbol)
        vc = len(fnames)
        fc = 0
        with open(logname, 'w') as writer:
            for fname in fnames:
                found = False
                with open(fname) as reader:
                    for idx, line in enumerate(reader):
                        line = line.strip()
                        if key in line.split():
                            line = line.replace(key, '**'+key+'**')
                            found = True
                            print('{} -- {}: {}'.format(fname, idx, line), file=writer)
                if found:
                    fc = fc + 1
                    print('{} has {}'.format(fname, key))
        return vc, fc

    search(root, key, ftype='', logname=None)

    • will be under root this path

    • Look for files with the extension ftype (if not given, all files will be accepted)

    • Search inside to see if it contains the keyword key

    • If there is a log file for logname,則會輸出關鍵字前後用 '**' highlight, the content is each line containing the keyword

    can actually be used like this (

    if __name__=='__main__':
        root = 'mydir'
        key = input("type key: ")
        vc, fc = search(root, key, 'js', logname='results')
        print('Found in {} files, visited {}'.format(fc, vc))


    $ python3
    type key: JSQ
    mydir/c.js has JSQ
    mydir/a.js has JSQ
    Found in 2 files, visited 3

    logfile results:

    mydir/c.js -- 0: abcdefg **JSQ** abcdefg
    mydir/c.js -- 1: **JSQ** abcdefg abcdefg
    mydir/c.js -- 2: abcdefg abcdefg **JSQ**
    mydir/a.js -- 0: abcdefg **JSQ** abcdefg
    mydir/a.js -- 1: **JSQ** abcdefg abcdefg
    mydir/a.js -- 2: abcdefg abcdefg **JSQ**

    Questions I answered: Python-QA

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