今天把MAC os 10.11.5中python2.7升级到3.5后,python在控制端可以正常运行,但是idle无法打开了,请教各位大大这个情况要如何解决,谢谢!!
黄舟2017-04-17 18:01:18
Both python2 and python3 have their own set of IDLE. If you use python2 to upgrade to python3, the IDLE that comes with python2 will not work properly.
阿神2017-04-17 18:01:18
It is estimated that some libraries that depend on 2 cannot run. The solution is to downgrade. If you cannot downgrade, reinstall it.
It is best not to change the python of the system. If you want to use another version, you can use virtualenv
PHP中文网2017-04-17 18:01:18
Well, I turned out to be the same as you. The Mac
cannot be opened and run normally, and even if I compile and install other software required for the configuration environment, it cannot be compiled and installed normally. Finally, I reinstalled the lower version 2.7. I suggest you reinstall 2.7
巴扎黑2017-04-17 18:01:18
idle will not be upgraded, the next 3 will be enough, but why upgrade? Just download python3.5. Some libraries depend on python2. Linux usually comes with two versions
黄舟2017-04-17 18:01:18
It seems that this cannot be upgraded. Because xcode etc. all rely on version 2.7, it will no longer be usable after the upgrade