在输入框 textfield 还在焦点状态时,keyboard弹出状态,这时候button触发action 呼叫alertview。这时候alertview上的button action 的方法是 push或pop ,在push或pop后 出现了键盘闪一下的状态。
形成原因:大致是因为键盘的收缩动画还没结束,但是已经push||pop了。出现了keyboard 闪一下的bug
版本:在iOS 8的情况下 出现了 ,iOS9+貌似没这个问题。
PHPz2017-04-17 17:52:24
I have encountered something similar before. If I remember correctly, it seems to be solved by delaying a short period of time before performing a push or pop operation. The specific time needs to be tested.
PHP中文网2017-04-17 17:52:24
You can try adding a recycle keyboard in front of the push. In this case, the push will be executed after the keyboard is recycled