巴扎黑2017-04-17 17:52:21
The provisions of the http network protocol PUT GET POST HEAD method obtain different data respectively. In fact, GET and POST are most commonly used. The difference lies in the location of parameter storage. GET needs to add parameters after the URL, and there are different length restrictions according to different browsers. POST needs to wrap parameters or other data in the request body. In the Body, the amount of data realized is obviously more than that of GET. For the specific implementation, I suggest you take a look at the specific use of NSURLSession and NSURLConnection. AFN is implemented based on them
怪我咯2017-04-17 17:52:21
You can read this blog
Questions like yours are completely out of Baidu, and almost no one will answer them...
伊谢尔伦2017-04-17 17:52:21
I agree with the above, GET and POST are concepts in the HTTP protocol and have little to do with AFNetworking.