经常看到这几个工具的身影, 但是Pycharm貌似集成了它们, 它们起作用的时候, 就像后台默默运行的老伙计
自动实时为你检测错误, 比vim之类集成它们好像要好用点
弄成一个命令来使用, 这有点「手工化」
个人认为这类工具性质的包,就默默在后台奉献就好, 何故还要写那么多文章介绍, 或者去学习?
ringa_lee2017-04-17 17:49:28
Your idea is very good. As an IDE, PyCharm’s standby lint function is very good, and it is also the most suitable way for users to use it. So why should you learn pylint or other similar tools? I understand it is mainly used in the following scenarios:
Some users are not used to using heavier IDEs like PyCharm, so they look forward to lightweight solutions;
Understand the principles of the lint tool and do some more in-depth use (I guess the lint tool integrated into PyCharm actually uses this lint command line tool, but it is encapsulated) ;
Used in some automated processes, such as using git hook for code style verification, or CI. These scenarios that often need to be configured on the server prefer CLI tools.
Learn more about the implementation of such tools.
In short, these tools do not need to be mastered by all developers. They are more often decided based on their role and needs in the project.