apk A 和apk B 只有在安装了apkA之后才能安装apkB 如果没安装apkA 就自动安装apkA 这样的东西该怎么实现啊 感觉apk A 和apk B是两个独立的东西啊 能实现这个功能吗
怪我咯2017-04-17 17:45:47
inApp B
启动的时候可以检查是否安装过App A
,如果没有,则提示安装App A
. Automatic installation is also possible, but you cannot guarantee that you will be able to get automatic installation permissions on every Android phone. After all, domestic mobile phone systems now have different abilities in permission control.
PHP中文网2017-04-17 17:45:47
PackageManager detects the installation status of apk package and then obtains permission to install it