Auth auth = Auth.create(QiNiuConstant.ACCESSKEY, QiNiuConstant.SECRETKEY);
OperationManager operater = new OperationManager(auth);
String bucket = event.getFetchVo().getBucket();
String key = event.getFetchVo().getFilePath().toString()
// 设置转码操作参数
String fops = "avthumb/mp3/s/640x360/vb/1.25m";
// 设置转码的队列
String pipeline = "weixinteachervoice";
// 可以对转码后的文件进行使用saveas参数自定义命名,当然也可以不指定文件会默认命名并保存在当前空间。
String urlbase64 = UrlSafeBase64.encodeToString(bucket + ":" + key);
String pfops = fops + "|saveas/" + urlbase64;
// 设置pipeline参数
StringMap params = new StringMap().putWhen("force", 1, true).putNotEmpty("persistentPipeline", pipeline);
String persistid = operater.pfop(bucket, key, pfops, params);
System.out.println("transcod success : " + persistid);
} catch (QiniuException e) {
Response r = e.response;
logger.info("transcod fail :" + r.toString());
try {
} catch (QiniuException e1) {
logger.info("transcod fail : can't print response");
logger.info("transcode end " );
伊谢尔伦2017-04-17 17:43:52
To trigger persistent transcoding, please refer to the demo collection
ringa_lee2017-04-17 17:43:52
After fetching, I called the conversion interface. I just did this function yesterday, but the conversion was successful, but it still cannot be played under ios, which is frustrating. . .
In addition, the official documents are inconsistent in many places, and the sdk provided also has some errors. Only by combining the two can we come up with a conversion interface that can finally be used
Sorry, it can be played after converting it to mp3. I didn't notice that my phone was in silent mode at the time, so there was no sound, but it can actually be played. For related codes, please refer to http://www.cnblogs.com /weiniu/p/qiniu_fetch_convert_php.html
迷茫2017-04-17 17:43:52
I use Python code, localfile is the path of your file.
q = qiniu.Auth(settings["QiniuAccessKey"], settings["QiniuSecretKey"])
key = "%s_%s.amr" % (save_id, name)
policy = {}
policy["persistentOps"] = "avthumb/m4a|saveas/"+base64.b64encode("audio:%s_%s" %(save_id, name))
policy["persistentPipeline"] = "weixin"
policy["callbackUrl"] = "http://XXX.XXX.com/api/audio/weixin_upload_notify"
policy["callbackBody"] = "filename=$(fname)&filesize=$(fsize)&user_id=%s&save_id=%s&name=%s&duration=%s&created=%s" % (user_id, save_id, name, duration, created)
uptoken = q.upload_token("audio", key, 3600, policy)
ret, info = yield qiniu.put_file(uptoken, key, localfile)
However, I encountered a problem when transcoding recently, and the callbackurl returned instantly... but it was successful.