1 . 框架 spring , jpa
2 . 我现在用有一个功能是app注册,我发送一个短信到手机 ,然后注册哪里进行比较验证,
假设发送手机验证码的方法是 getsms() ,比较的方法是 checksms() ,如果同时10个人注册,getsms()方法调用10次,发送10条验证码, 也就是我有10个验证 , 那么checksms()怎么知道那个验证码是谁的 ?
怪我咯2017-04-17 17:40:38
After generating the verification code, save the mobile phone number and verification code at the same time, and then you can judge.
迷茫2017-04-17 17:40:38
When sending, it is based on the mobile phone number. When verifying, you must also verify the current mobile phone number
伊谢尔伦2017-04-17 17:40:38
You can calculate a verification code based on your mobile phone number, so you don’t need to save it in the database.