PHPz2017-04-17 17:35:49
It would be great if someone replied to weexpack here at that time~
weexpack introduction, see Github for more details
weexpack is a new generation engineering development kit of weex. It is a tool for quickly building application prototypes based on weex. It can help developers create weex projects through the command line, add the weex app template of the corresponding platform, and install plug-ins from local, GitHub or weex application market based on the template, quickly package the weex application and install it on the mobile phone to run. For developers with a spirit of sharing For readers, you can also create weex plug-in templates and publish plug-ins to the weex application market.
The commands provided by weexpack can be roughly divided into three groups, namely:
Packaging command
weexpack create — Create a weex engineering project.
weexpack platform add/remove — Install/remove weex application template. The default template supports weex bundle debugging and plug-in mechanism.
weexpack platform list — View installed platform templates and versions.
weexpack platform run - Package the application and install it to the device to run.
Plugin user commands
weexpack plugin add/remove — Install/remove weex plugin, support installing plugin from local, GitHub or weex application market.
weexpack plugin list — View installed plugins and versions.
Plugin Developer Commands
weexpack plugin create - Generates a weex plugin template, mainly configuration files and necessary directories.
weexpack plugin publish - Publish plugins to the weex plugin market.
ringa_lee2017-04-17 17:35:49
Run the official demo:
Integrate into existing projects: