最近接了一个项目,有一个需求是app 在后台或锁屏状态下,还能够播放语音提醒。不知道是如何实现的?类似嘀嘀打车的锁屏状态下的语音播报功能。
目前遇到的问题是 Android 端在锁屏状态下语音提醒会被系统通知的声音给冲突,ios 端无法做到锁屏后播报语音,由于没有触发点。
PHP中文网2017-04-17 17:13:43
The notification I originally used was notification. Although I used the system sound as the sound, it should be possible to customize the sound.
You can try it yourself
怪我咯2017-04-17 17:13:43
You can try iFlytek Voice SDK. Many maps such as Amap use this kind of SDK. Convenient and fast