1 安装软件时提示输入drive label,我不清楚是sda 1 sda0 还是/home /usr等目录?
2 我觉得应该条理比较清晰,python 、java 等分一个区安装,公用的应用软件分一个安装,私用的应用软件分一区安装,你们有什么比较成熟的方案吗?
钟毅2017-10-04 12:49:03
The ubuntu software is automatically installed on sda0 with the 200M system. Generally, as long as UBUNTU automatically divides the zones, it will be OK. It does not matter for other non-root zones. You can mount the disk by loading the startup file, /home /usr No matter which disk it is on. Ubuntu, like python, comes with version 2.72. New installations need to be recompiled to specify the path, otherwise an installation error will occur. Pay special attention to these details.