myWebView.setWebViewClient(new myWebViewClient());
class myWebViewClient extends WebViewClient {
public boolean shouldOverrideUrlLoading(WebView view, String url) {
url = url.replace("%2F", "/");
url = url.replace("?next=/","");
System.out.println("replace result--->"+url);
//但这样做之后replace result--->输出的url是正常了,但会一直循环执行,一致打印这一句replace result--->,页面也打不开,一直卡在那儿。请问这是什么原因?
return false;
我想了一下,之所以会循环执行,是因为shouldOverrideUrlLoading中的 view.loadUrl(url);又把url变成错误的形式 //http://www.zhihu.com/?next=%2Fquestion%2F45968097%2Fanswer%2F100778963
了。所以为什么url会这样变化呢?这是不是android loadUrl算法的故障?
怪我咯2017-04-17 17:06:14
If you write the address correctly, there will be no problem in using it. If it doesn’t work, just try another version of your phone
PHP中文网2017-04-17 17:06:14
The "garbled code" you see is not garbled code, but urlencode encoding. "%2F" is "/", and the loop you are talking about is actually not a loop, but a 302 page running, which is what you see. The address reached is not pointed directly, but is redirected to the final target page by server routing, and the page jump can be monitored by the shouldOverrideUrlLoading method, so it feels like a loop. Regarding the 302 page and server-side routing, you can learn more about it.