目前想学习一下如何在手机应用中集成国内的分享按钮,例如,微信和微博。以前做过 Facebook 的分享按钮,但是用的是 FB 官方出的 Frameworks,比较傻瓜化,所以简单极了。现在弄国内的,感觉一脑袋问号呀。
微博和微信有 API 或 SDK 等官方支持吗?(真不是伸手党,确实是没找到)
天蓬老师2017-04-17 16:59:06
WeChat and Weibo have corresponding SDKs, but because each company’s organizational structure is different, independent development is more time-consuming and energy-consuming, but the advantage is that the data is all first-hand.
Umeng is one of the most comprehensive ones in China. It is easy to use and you don’t need to know the details of each sharing site. However, the customizability is relatively poor, and the relevant data of those websites will be filtered by Umeng first. If it is a relatively This is not recommended for large apps.