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mysql - 测试不同sql语句的查询效率


大家讲道理大家讲道理2743 days ago784

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  • 大家讲道理

    大家讲道理2017-04-17 16:25:27

    4.1. EXPLAIN
    In MySQL, you can use EXPLAIN to view the SQL execution plan. Usage: EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM tb_item

    4.2. Result description
    4.2.1. id
    SELECT identifier. This is the SELECT query sequence number. This is not important.
    4.2.2. select_type
    indicates the type of SELECT statement.

    has the following values:
    1. SIMPLE
    represents a simple query, which does not include join queries and subqueries.
    2. PRIMARY
    represents the main query, or the outermost query statement.

    3. UNION
    represents the second or subsequent query statement of the connection query.

    The second or subsequent SELECT statement in UNION depends on the external query.
    The result of the connection query.
    The first SELECT statement in the subquery.

    The first SELECT statement in the subquery depends on the external query.
    8. DERIVED
    SELECT (subquery of FROM clause).
    4.2.3. table
    represents the query table.
    4.2.4. type (important)
    indicates the connection type of the table.
    The following connection types are ordered from best to worst:

    1. The system
    table has only one row. This is a special column of const type and does not usually appear. This can be ignored.
    2. const
    The data table can only have one matching row at most. Because it only matches one row of data, it is very fast. It is often used for queries on PRIMARY KEY or UNIQUE indexes. It can be understood that const is the most optimized.

    3. eq_ref
    MySQL manual says this: "For each combination of rows from the previous table, read one row from that table. This is probably the best join type, except for the const type. It is used in a All parts of the index are used by the join and the index is UNIQUE or PRIMARY KEY". eq_ref can be used to compare indexed columns using =.

    4. ref
    The query condition index is neither UNIQUE nor PRIMARY KEY. ref can be used on indexed columns with the = or < or > operators.

    5. ref_or_null
    This join type is like ref, but with the addition of MySQL, it can specifically search for rows containing NULL values. This join type of optimization is often used in solving subqueries.

    The above five situations are all ideal index usage situations.

    6. index_merge
    This join type indicates that the index merge optimization method is used. In this case, the key column contains the list of indexes used, and key_len contains the longest key element of the index used.
    7. unique_subquery
    This type replaces the ref of the IN subquery in the following form: value IN (SELECT primary_key FROM single_table WHERE some_expr)
    unique_subquery is an index lookup function that can completely replace the subquery and is more efficient.
    8. index_subquery
    This connection type is similar to unique_subquery. The IN subquery can be replaced, but only for non-unique indexes in subqueries of the following form: value IN (SELECT key_column FROM single_table WHERE some_expr)
    9, range
    Only retrieve rows in a given range, using an index to select rows.

    10. index
    This join type is the same as ALL, except that only the index tree is scanned. This is usually faster than ALL because index files are usually smaller than data files.
    11. ALL
    Perform a complete table scan for each combination of rows from the previous table. (Worst performance)
    4.2.5. possible_keys
    Indicates which index MySQL can use to find rows in this table.
    If the column is NULL, it means no index is used. You can create an index on the column to improve performance.
    4.2.6. key
    Shows the key (index) that MySQL actually decided to use. If no index is selected, the key is NULL.

    You can force the use of indexes or ignore them:

    4.2.7. key_len
    Shows the key length that MySQL decides to use. If the key is NULL, the length is NULL.

    Note: key_len determines the actual index length that MySQL will use.

    4.2.8. ref
    Shows which column or constant is used with key to select rows from the table.
    4.2.9. rows
    Displays the number of rows that MySQL thinks it must check when executing the query.
    4.2.10. Extra
    This column contains the details of how MySQL solved the query
    • Distinct: After MySQL finds the first matching row, it stops searching for more rows for the current row combination.
    • Not exists: MySQL can perform LEFT JOIN optimization on the query. After finding a row matching the LEFT JOIN standard, it will no longer check more rows in the table for the previous row combination.
    • range checked for each record (index map: #): MySQL did not find a good index that can be used, but found that if the column values ​​from the previous table are known, some indexes may be used.
    • Using filesort: MySQL requires an extra pass to figure out how to retrieve the rows in sorted order.
    • Using index: Retrieve column information from a table by reading the actual rows using only the information in the index tree without further searching.
    • Using temporary: In order to solve the query, MySQL needs to create a temporary table to hold the results.
    • Using where:WHERE clause is used to limit which row matches the next table or is sent to the client.
    • Using sort_union(...), Using union(...), Using intersect(...): These functions illustrate how to merge index scans for the index_merge join type.
    • Using index for group-by: Similar to the Using index method of accessing a table, Using index for group-by means that MySQL has found an index that can be used to query all columns of GROUP BY or DISTINCT queries without additional search for hard disk access. actual table.

    Listed below are some database SQL optimization solutions:
    (01) Choose the most efficient order of table names (frequently tested in written exams)

      select emp.empno,emp.ename,emp.sal,salgrade.grade,dept.dname
      from salgrade,dept,emp
      where (emp.deptno = dept.deptno) and (emp.sal between salgrade.losal and salgrade.hisal)          

    (02) Connection order in WHERE clause (frequent written test)

      select emp.empno,emp.ename,emp.sal,dept.dname
      from emp,dept
      where (emp.deptno = dept.deptno) and (emp.sal > 1500)   

    (03)Avoid using * sign in SELECT clause

      select empno,ename from emp;

    (04) Replace DELETE with TRUNCATE

    (05) Use COMMIT as much as possible


    (06) Replace HAVING clause with WHERE clause


    (07) Use more internal functions to improve SQL efficiency

    (08) Using table aliases

      salgrade s

    (09) Using column aliases

      ename e

  • 怪我咯

    怪我咯2017-04-17 16:25:27


  • 怪我咯

    怪我咯2017-04-17 16:25:27

    It is recommended that you use a visual tool, navicat, which will automatically perform explain analysis operations when executing SQL, and is more convenient to operate than the command line.

  • ringa_lee

    ringa_lee2017-04-17 16:25:27

    Not long after my internship, I used SQL Server, which was also found and recorded by others.
    DBCC DROPCLEANBUFFERS clears the cache
    DBCC FREEPROCCACHE deletes elements in the plan cache
    SET STATISTICS TIME ON to see the CPU time
    SET STATISTICS IO ON to see the number of logical reads
    SET STATISTICS PROFILE ON This will not work

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