现在我做的一个项目是在electron下用vue.js + vue-router + webpack,我就是想问下,在项目打包后,直接打开index.html他是直接访问App.vue,但是我建的路由我试了N多方法,貌似都不行,比如:index.html/login,login是一个组件 login.vue。对了,在开发模式下(npm run dev)用http://localhost:8080/login,这样是可以正常访问的。
伊谢尔伦2017-04-17 16:22:25
hello. Can you use vue+express+webpack+mysql as an architecture project? Can you share it with me, dear. I am also learning this knowledge at the moment. Thank you very much if you can answer it
黄舟2017-04-17 16:22:25
Have you set the history in the routing? If not, open it directly and it should be index.html#/login
If you want to use an http servernpm install -g live-server
Enter the dist folder and execute live-server
ringa_lee2017-04-17 16:22:25
I also have a question, how to directly access the static resource files packaged by webpack through the 3000 port opened by express. Describe the single page application I made.