现在就想问下各位:1 gitbash下有没有换行快捷键?
2 上面一行命令行 $npm install -g hexo-cli运行结果中的warning该怎么消除?
黄舟2017-04-17 16:07:34
Let me tell you, first you need to create a folder (to store all your hexo files, resources, themes, etc.). Secondly, how do you copy that folder? That means you can move it to your folder. The folder is written Your folder path. So the easiest thing is to right-click on the folder you created and select Git Bash Here, and you can skip the cd step. Do you understand?
黄舟2017-04-17 16:07:34
I also encountered this problem, but it was under Ubuntu. I don’t know if it will also work under your window.
When there is a problem under Ubuntu, use the root user to operate. Just switch to the normal user operation.
So you try to create a new user under mingw, and then switch to that user and try the operation to see if the problem can be solved