我们使用NodeJs做服务器开发,使用的是Express框架,数据库用的阿里云的MySQL RDS,nodejs连接mysql的包选用的是mysql(https://www.npmjs.com/package...
PHPz2017-04-17 15:56:20
Let me tell you my personal guess. The connection pool is not used. The connection is not closed. Open mysql show processlist; take a look at the connection
PHP中文网2017-04-17 15:56:20
It should be that the process is hanging. You should install a connect-timeout component and set it to return a 503 timeout message if there is no response for 3 seconds. In addition, use a daemon process to keep the node.js server running. We have just started using express. After completing a project, the daemon process used is strongloop, and I am worried about the problem you mentioned. At present, this is all we can think of here. There is also a book on nodejs and express development. There is also some content in this book that can help you. Yes, we choose the ORM framework of sequelize to operate the database. We hope to have more exchanges
PHP中文网2017-04-17 15:56:20
Personally, I think @Mrxiuxiu is right. Is it because the link is up but not released?