2.在git bash中使用npm config set 命令将prefix和cache路径又改了一遍(与1中相同)
然后现在无论是全局还是本地都不好使了,我再全局安装gulp然后在本地文件夹也安装了,但是在git bash里面显示bash:gulp:command not found,单纯卸载npm和nodejs再重新安装没有效果,npm root -g什么的路径没有改变,其他的路径也还会保留之前的设置,想请问一下如何彻底卸载或者有什么解决办法吗?
怪我咯2017-04-17 15:52:53
After adding NODE_PATH to the environment variable, the Path should also be changed to "D:nodejsnode_global", so that your new directory should be usable
But the directory cannot be deleted, please ask
伊谢尔伦2017-04-17 15:52:53
Is the problem solved? After I installed npm, I also set up cache and global, and also specified install -g during installation. But after the installation is completed, it is always in the user directory of the C drive, not in the specified directory. And for example, if you install express, you will get the message "cannot find modules" when using express