“JasonXin” 是我之前的 gitHub账号,我已经执行 git config --global user.name 以及邮箱 换过账号了,怎么会报这个错误?
本地查看当前的账号也是我目前新的 gitHub账号啊? 有老司机帮瞅瞅么。。。。
PHP中文网2017-04-17 15:46:04
You are using an ssh address. It seems that there is no corresponding ssh private key locally, or github has not uploaded your public key. For details, please refer to the official tutorial
I may know, look at your _config.yml
config file and there is one
type: git
repo: git@github.com:your_name/Hexo_Blog.git
branch: gh-pages
Has this been changed?