entry: {
// 名字可以含路径,以用来将打包后的文件放入不同的路径
'js/index': [
path.resolve(src, 'index.js') // Your appʼs entry point
'js/detail': [
path.resolve(src, 'detail/detail.jsx') // Your appʼs entry point
'lib/eg': [
path.resolve(src, 'eg/lib.js') // Your appʼs entry point
new ExtractTextPlugin("css/[name].css", {
// allChunks: true
巴扎黑2017-04-17 15:43:28
Originally, the trick of adding paths in names is to achieve modularization so that js and css can belong to the same module. I suggest you change the structure of your packaged files
In other words, forcefully cancel the path:
new ExtractTextPlugin("css/[contenthash:8].[name].css")
If you do this, the file name will be a bit ugly, but at least the file level will be as you wish