首先我通过 express 监听 8899 端口,在浏览器可以通过127.0.0.1:8899 访问本地服务,然后我希望在浏览器输入 www.test.com 达到一样的目的, 因此我在 hosts 文件做了对应修改 www.test.com
但是并没有效果,通过 ihost 或者 chrome 插件修改同样无效,
但是我在 hosts 文件做如下的修改却是有效的 www.baidu.com // 此时百度无法访问
127.x.x.33 www.test.com // 此时 设置 test 对应某远端地址生效
是因为 hosts 文件中不可以设置带端口的响应吗?如果想设置带端口的映射该如何呢?
高洛峰2017-04-17 15:43:03
No, domain name resolution has nothing to do with ports.
You directly www.test.com
Then access www.test.com:8899
and that’s it. If you don’t want the backend to have port access, just listen to 80 yourself first, and then do the forwarding.
大家讲道理2017-04-17 15:43:03
Ports cannot be set in the hosts file, only IP. You need to forward your local access to the domain name www.test.com from ip to ip:port. As for how to operate it on MAC, please search it yourself.
怪我咯2017-04-17 15:43:03
The hosts file ignores the port number
So you can only configure one www.test.com
Then visit www.test.com:8899
黄舟2017-04-17 15:43:03
Do not include a port in the host. Express listens to 80 and then forwards the host