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node.js - node的child_process.spawn(...[, options])怎么写多个options?

如果有多个grep,怎么写到上面的语句中?例如cat /dev/urandom |od -x|tr -d ' '|head -n 1


const exec = require('child_process').exec;
exec('cat /dev/urandom |od -x|tr -d ' '|head -n 1', (error, stdout, stderr) => {
  if (error) {
    console.error(`exec error: ${error}`);
  console.log(`stdout: ${stdout}`);
  console.log(`stderr: ${stderr}`);
PHP中文网PHP中文网2866 days ago666

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  • 天蓬老师

    天蓬老师2017-04-17 15:38:29

    If not encapsulated, you need to listen to multiple events, for example cat /dev/urandom |od -x|tr -d ' '|head -n 1

    const spawn = require('child_process').spawn;
    const cat = spawn('cat', ['/dev/urandom']);
    const od = spawn('od',['-x']);
    const tr = spawn('tr',['-d'," "]);
    const head = spawn('head', ['-n',1]);
    cat.stdout.on('data', data => od.stdin.write(data));
    cat.on('close', (code) => od.stdin.end());
    od.stdout.on('data', data => tr.stdin.write(data));
    od.on('close', (code) => tr.stdin.end());
    tr.stdout.on('data', data => head.stdin.write(data));
    tr.on('close', (code) => head.stdin.end());
    head.stdout.on('data', data => console.log(`${data}`));

    You can also specify a pipe when spwan creates a child process, such as this

    const spawn = require('child_process').spawn;
    const cat = spawn('cat', ['/dev/urandom'], {stdio: 'pipe'});
    const od = spawn('od',['-x'], {stdio: [cat.stdout, 'pipe', 'pipe']});
    const tr = spawn('tr',['-d',' '], {stdio: [od.stdout, 'pipe', 'pipe']});
    const head = spawn('head', ['-n',1], {stdio: [tr.stdout, 'pipe', 'pipe']});
    head.stdout.on('data', data => console.log(`${data}`));

    In actual environment, the information on stderr must be processed

  • 天蓬老师

    天蓬老师2017-04-17 15:38:29

    The example you gave doesn’t have grep?

    Multiple options are passed as the second parameter in the form of an array: ls -lh /usr

    const spawn = require('child_process').spawn;
    const ls = spawn('ls', ['-lh', '/usr']);

    The example you gavecat /dev/urandom |od -x|tr -d ' '|head -n 1

    Just follow the pipeline you screenshot and do it separately:

    // cat /dev/urandom
    const cat = spawn('cat',['/dev/urandom']);
    //od -x
    const od = spawn('od',['-x']);
    //tr -d ' '
    const tr = spawn('tr', ['-d',"' '"]);
    //head -n 1
    const head = spwan('head', ['-n','1']);

    As for the pipeline, see how it is written in the example you screenshot, it is how the next command is executed in the callback

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