mfc明显落伍了,我也问过老师,他说我们是数字媒体专业,不是应用开发,mfc经典实用(大概意思吧)。我想如果我以后从事win10应用开发,那么我现在学习的mfc是不是毫无用处了,比如mfc下程序框架,windows api,消息,句柄啥的是不是完全从头学了?
PHP中文网2017-04-17 15:36:15
Handles and Windows APIs will not become obsolete, in fact you will still have opportunities to use them. And ideologically, I think programming languages are all similar (except functional languages). So don’t worry too much. It’s no problem if you want to transfer. There are learning costs, but you don’t have to start from scratch.
PHPz2017-04-17 15:36:15
When I was in my sophomore year, I learned MFC by reading books. Later, I took Windows programming as an elective course, but the teacher taught me C# because it was simpler. It cannot be said that MFC is useless, at least it is windows programming. If you understand it, then learn c# interface development, and you will at least understand some concepts.