update orders_father set ostatus=5,ofintimesys=now() where oid =
(select oid from
(SELECT oid FROM orders_father where TIMESTAMPDIFF(HOUR,odlvtime,now())>parameter and ostatus=4)
as tempTable)
update orders_father set ostatus=5,ofintimesys=now() where oid =any
(select oid from
(SELECT oid FROM orders_father where TIMESTAMPDIFF(HOUR,odlvtime,now())>parameter and ostatus=4)
as tempTable)
我的疑问是,为何代码1会出现Error Code: 1242. Subquery returns more than 1 row
这种错误,而代码2不会? 谢谢各位大神
黄舟2017-04-17 15:31:52
where xxx = yyy
, the right side must be a single value, not multiple values, and
(SELECT oid FROM orders_father where TIMESTAMPDIFF(HOUR,odlvtime,now())>parameter and ostatus=4)
as tempTable)
will find multiple values, so Error Code: 1242. Subquery returns more than 1 row
is to change where xxx = yyy
into where xxx in(yyy)
or where xxx = any yyy
. These two expressions have the same meaning, but any can also be compared in other ways, such as where xxx > any yyy