小弟以前是做产品经理的,最近转行学开发了 C的基础 和 linux下面C开发 也学了点。
还有 就是都是跟着书敲代码,开发环境 就是一个虚拟机centos6.5 里面用VIM 写代码 然后 make编译运行 VIM 也没装任何插件。 GDB也处于半懂不懂的状态。
想问一下 各位前辈 一般工作中 大家工作环境都是什么样的呢?
PHP中文网2017-04-17 15:28:26
It’s good to learn to use VIM at the beginning, it is conducive to learning. At work, our company uses codeblocks under ubuntu, and cross-compiling is more convenient.
大家讲道理2017-04-17 15:28:26
codeblocks, eclipse, qt creator, codelite, vim, emacs. With gcc gdb or llvm lldb clang, I usually use gedit plus clang plus gdb to open it directly.
天蓬老师2017-04-17 15:28:26
高洛峰2017-04-17 15:28:26
I have been struggling with this issue recently, because I used autoconf and automake to build the system, and finally chose vim
黄舟2017-04-17 15:28:26
gvim + youcompleteme + syntastic is enough. This learning cost is a little higher. For ready-made IDEs, qtcreator, clion.
If you want to do server-side development, learning vim is still more useful.
巴扎黑2017-04-17 15:28:26
I have been using visual studio code recently, with gcc and gdb, and the experience is not bad, but recently I only use c to write small programs....
http://jacean.github.io/2016/04/04/vscode configure C-C-compilation and debugging environment/