如题, 楼主在安装网易云音乐的时候, 遇到了依赖问题, 说libtag1c2a这个东西版本不够,请问一下有经验的童鞋,和大神们,这个问题该如何解决呢?
处理器: AMD64
安装的软件:网易云音乐 (linux版本)
巴扎黑2017-04-17 15:01:15
I’m on Mars, Conscience of the industryFinally a Linux version?
Run itapt-get install -f
and send a screenshot to take a look.
黄舟2017-04-17 15:01:15
Ubuntu 14.04 LTS + amd64, installed successfully and can run...
When installing, it also prompts libtag1c2a(>=1.8)
, but it can be installed but cannot be run. Then I used the automatic repair function of the Ubuntu Software Center to fix the following, and it was OK. Let me try it...
NetEase Cloud Music is truly the conscience of the industry! ! !