怪我咯2017-04-17 14:49:25
I encountered this problem a few days ago. I was trying to get the absolute path through Uri. The Uri returned by mobile phones from different manufacturers is different. Some of them start with file:///. You only need to replace the file header to get the absolute path. The above code
* 通过Uri获取绝对路径
* @param context
* @param fileUri
* @return
public static String getRealPath(Context context, Uri fileUri){
String fileName = null;
if(fileUri!= null){
if (fileUri.getScheme().toString().compareTo("content")==0)
fileName = getEachApiRealPath(context, fileUri); //自定义通过ContentResolver获取路径的方法
}else if (fileUri.getScheme().compareTo("file") == 0)
fileName = fileUri.toString().replace("file://", "");
return fileName;