我输入mysql -h localhost -u root -p之后,变成了:
请问怎么变回 C:WindowsSystem32>?
我现在都是关了cmd 重新 开,但是感觉好傻..
天蓬老师2017-04-17 14:41:37
: Normal exit
Ctrl + C
: Force close the current program == alt+F4
PHPz2017-04-17 14:41:37
Please pay attention to the quality of the question. Just hit exit to exit.
巴扎黑2017-04-17 14:41:37
It seems that you are a beginner in mysql and programming related knowledge. It is recommended to study the system in this book. The book will explain the knowledge of command line operation of mysql. The solution to the current problem can be to enter help in the mysql state to view the prompts. Teach a man to fish; exit, quit, and bye can all exit the command line