ringa_lee2017-04-17 14:38:33
itself does not. What really makes the project bigger is the c, o and lib files in the project.
But there is an exception, that is, if you put the function/method definition that should be placed in c into h, it will still become larger.
In addition, the equivalent of import
in Java should be using namespace
高洛峰2017-04-17 14:38:33
You will know after you try it. I remember that the libraries that come with c/c++ are dynamically loaded by default and should not become larger
巴扎黑2017-04-17 14:38:33
The default C library is dynamically linked, but it will definitely increase a bit because there is necessary information for dynamic linking and so on. If you choose a static link library, it will be much larger. In addition, if there are inline functions, macro expansion code, etc., the space will also be increased.