在 Cell 中有一个播放语音的图片,点击之后用uiimage通过animationImages播放几张图片,但是当 Cell 滚出屏幕之外的时候,uiimage就不动了,不知是复用覆盖了还是怎么?求大神给个解决思路啊
大家讲道理2017-04-17 14:30:45
Finally I know, this is what I did,
Play the audio file after receiving it in the chat VC, and cache cell.rowIdentifier to _rowPlayVoiceAnimationIdentifier, and then traverse visibleCells. If the Cell identifier (row) is the same as the cached one, call the Cell playVoiceAnimation method
Called after audio playback ends, same as above, call Cell stopVoiceAnimation method
Handling when scrolling:
//When the cell is about to be displayed, if it is a Cell that is playing the recording file, then execute the Cell to play the recording animation
if (((ACChatTableViewCell *)cell).rowIdentifier == _rowPlayVoiceAnimationIdentifier) {
[((ACChatTableViewCell *)cell) startVoiceAnimation];
It’s a bit messy! ! !