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linux - ubuntu windows双系统问题


选择安装方式时,我选了覆盖安装1410,傻B地以为1404能在1410的的分区目录下重装,安装完之后重启开uefi(因为之前就是安前关,安后开,我就照之前重来一边,新手么),之后再重启开机发现又进U盘,让我安装ubuntu,之后我把u盘拔了,重启之后boot manager没选项,bios也进不了,我就慌了,之后想再插u盘,重装下1404,这回我进去彩色界面选择了其他方式(就是之前自定义分区挂载点那种),但这回我发现我之前那么多分区,包括win10在内的都被合成一个选项了,这时我都要哭了。


  1. 我还能挽救回win10吗,我好多资料,还有正版注册软件,都在里面。

  2. 我开完uefi之后现在没u盘,开机直接提示我没boot设备,boot manager里一个选项都没有。插上u盘,又进ubuntu黑屏安装选项。而我也尝试进bios发现进不去了,我该怎么办?


PHP中文网PHP中文网2721 days ago426

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  • 迷茫

    迷茫2017-04-17 14:19:49

    Find a pe version and try it

  • PHP中文网

    PHP中文网2017-04-17 14:19:49

    Let me answer the original poster’s two questions first

    Whether the partition is damaged

    Use Ubuntu’s U disk to enter livecd mode (the first item when starting U disk is the Try Ubuntu without installation option). After entering the graphical interface, open Ubuntu’s resource manager. You can see the disk on the left , double-click to mount and check whether the windows partition is still there.

    I panicked, and then I wanted to insert the USB disk again and reinstall 1404. This time I went into the color interface and chose another method (the same as the custom partition mount point before), but this time I found So many of my previous partitions, including win10, were combined into one option, and I almost cried at this time.

    Did the original poster say that he used Ubuntu’s livecd mode to check the Windows partition? Found that multiple Windows partitions that were previously divided have been merged into one?

    efi cannot start

    You need to confirm whether the efi partition was damaged when installing 14.04. The check method is also to use the ubuntu USB disk to enter the livecd system. The efi partition is usually around 200M and there is an efi folder in it. The author checks to see if the relevant partitions and files still exist. If it does not exist, you need to restore the partition. Installing Ubuntu in uefi mode should be enough.

  • 阿神

    阿神2017-04-17 14:19:49

    It’s too late to watch.
    My partition table is often flushed,
    It’s very simple

    Lao Maotao has hard disk partition table recovery, you can directly enter the scan to see the original partition table. You don’t need to reinstall your original win10.
    I did this a while ago.

    That. . . The BIOS can be entered, no matter what, it is just that when the BIOS transfers control to the operating system, it cannot find the operating system, which means that the partition table is damaged, so it can be repaired.

    Wish you a happy time~

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