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c++ - string const&和const string&有什么区别吗?

string const&和const string&有什么区别吗?


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main()
    string b = "test";
    const string &a = b;
    string const &c = b;
    return 0;
黄舟黄舟2713 days ago1521

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  • 怪我咯

    怪我咯2017-04-17 14:01:00

    There is no difference.

    Let’s start with the variable declaration method in C/C++. The simplest declaration method of
    is like int a, indicating that declares a variable a, and makes a be of type int
    Then according to the above statement, the declaration of int *a indicates that A variable *a is declared, and *a is of type int
    We already know that (*a) is of type int, and the asterisk is the dereference operator, (*a) indicates that the variable a points to The data of the memory address. From this sense, we infer that the type of a is the pointer type of int.
    The type of a is an int pointer, so how do we express it? Considering that the common declaration method in C is 类型名+变量名, in the declaration int*a, since a is 变量名, so int* is 类型名, so we use int* to represent the int pointer type
    In the same way, int &a can be considered as declaring a variable of type int (&a). Through the meaning of the & operator, we know that a is an int reference type, and use int& to represent the int reference type

    Back to the topic, string const &a declares a (&a), (&a) is of string type and is a constant
    and const string &a declares a (&a), (&a) is a constant and of type string
    This obviously means the same thing~

    Going a little further, let’s look at the analysis questions used to trick children. The former of const char *a and char * const a
    declares that (*a) and (*a) are of const char type. a is modified by a dereference operator, so a is an ordinary pointer and can be modified, but the data pointed to by a (i.e. *a) cannot be modified due to the const modification
    The latter declares (*const a), ( *const a) is of type char. a is modified by a dereference operator and a const keyword, so a is an unmodifiable pointer, but the data pointed to by a (i.e. *a) can be modified

    char const *a and const char *a have the same meaning, and if neither a is allowed to be modified nor the data pointed to by a is allowed to be modified, then it needs to be declared as const char * const a

  • PHPz

    PHPz2017-04-17 14:01:00

    No difference.

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