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node.js - 小前端使用node工具逼格高但是不方便?求解

伊谢尔伦伊谢尔伦2716 days ago288

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  • PHP中文网

    PHP中文网2017-04-17 13:57:24

    Based on your description, it can be roughly judged that the job content (or position) you are talking about is not in line with our positioning of "front-end engineers" in recent years, but it is very similar to the public's previous understanding of front-end: " "Web Page Refactorer" and "Page Boy". . .

    There is no derogatory connotation here, it’s just that the work content is different.

    If you follow your description, then there will be a bunch of AngularJS, React, vue, webpack, rollup, babel, AMD, CommonJS, ES2016, less, sass, stylus, async/await..., I really don’t see any need. Because after sending it to the "backend" after a while, they may need you to make various adjustments in order to adapt it to their JSP/ASP/PHP, and all your "engineering" will be in vain. Got it!

    From this perspective, I agree with you, "it's really not necessary."

    But the "front end" is not just what you see now, there are also poems and fields in the distance^^. For more introduction to the front end, see:

    • Why are there so few excellent front-ends in the market? Is this also the case abroad?

    • What have all the front-end experts learned?

    • Why is it so hard to find a front-end engineer?

  • 巴扎黑

    巴扎黑2017-04-17 13:57:24

    1. This problem is easy to solve. You can create a gulp working directory and just put a gulpfile.js in the root directory. All projects will be placed in this directory. Then change your gulpfile file to support multiple projects. For example, enter gulp task --a to indicate a build task for project a.
    2. I think it’s better to use repository management as soon as possible.

  • ringa_lee

    ringa_lee2017-04-17 13:57:24

    I think when you say this, you may not be using all the functions together.

    For sass, without other functions, just use sass --watch sass/bootstrap.scss:css/bootstrap.css to compile. I don’t think Koala is so easy to use

  • PHP中文网

    PHP中文网2017-04-17 13:57:24

    • If you insist on working under windows, I advise you to change to a better command line tool, at least with tag management, cmd is like an idiot

    • Public use does not mean political correctness. I don’t want to talk about how to improve your current development process, but I just advise you to use version management tools as soon as possible

  • 阿神

    阿神2017-04-17 13:57:24

    You have to follow the Basic Law when saying this.

    Who dares to develop without version control?

  • 迷茫

    迷茫2017-04-17 13:57:24

    Teamwork and version control are really, really important.

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