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css - 为什么在doctype后面加上html就会报错,仅仅写个doctype就不会报错?




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大家讲道理大家讲道理2742 days ago1041

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  • 巴扎黑

    巴扎黑2017-04-17 13:50:14

    Thanks for the invitation:
    The <!DOCTYPE> declaration is located on the first line of the HTML document, before the <html> tag. Tells the browser's parser what document standard to use to parse this document.
    A non-existent or incorrectly formatted DOCTYPE will cause the document to be rendered in compatibility mode. Your script tags are placed incorrectly.

    <!DOCTYPE html>是标准的html5文档类型写法。

    In standard mode: page layout and JS operation mode are run at the highest standard supported by the browser.
    In compatibility mode: The page is displayed in a loosely backwards compatible manner, simulating the behavior of older browsers to prevent the site from not working.

  • PHPz

    PHPz2017-04-17 13:50:14

    I was invited out of nowhere, but I’m sorry, I didn’t see anything wrong. But there is a small idea that you can try. First, return the code to its simplest state, and then add it little by little, and you should be able to find the problem part.

  • ringa_lee

    ringa_lee2017-04-17 13:50:14

    The final script tag should be written in the head or body tag. .

    Writing html after DOCTYPE will render according to the standard mode, so an error will be reported

    If you don’t write HTML, other modes will be used for rendering, such as mixed mode, so there may be some fault tolerance

  • 迷茫

    迷茫2017-04-17 13:50:14

    Has this problem been solved now? I encountered a similar problem to this today. .

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